Literature Review of VRP

Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) 启发式算法目前学术界公认比较有效的方法:

针对涉及到多辆车辆交换的问题,由于会增大计算复杂度(O(k^2n^2) -> O(k^3n^2)),不建议使用,可以参考 Cyclic Transfer Algorithm for Multivehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems (Thompson and Psaraftis, 1993)。

针对车辆交换的问题,可以参考 A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems with time windows (Koç et al., 2015)。

推荐阅读 Gilbert Laporte, Vidal Thibaut, Christian Prins, David Pisinger 的论文:

· academic