One-Page Meeting Summary Tool

Made a one-page meeting summary tool with ChatGPT:

Following is the prompt I composed:

I want to make a single html file that takes user input, then sends the content to OpenAI or Google for summarization. The file has:

  1. a selection field that chooses OpenAI or Google
  2. a single line text field that takes api key
  3. a dropdown menu that selects model, based on the first field
  4. a multiline text field that takes user prompt
  5. a multiline field that takes user content
  6. a submit button and a clear button
  7. a field display the return content

Please help me create the file with proper css and JavaScript code. Please make sure they are all in one file.

With a few tweaks, I was able to connect it to OpenAI or Google API through Cloudflare AI Gateway.

· llm